Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of healing that focuses on the interaction between your behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. By developing a greater understanding and awareness of the connection between these mental and behavioral aspects, individuals can learn to alter their psychological well-being and better adapt to their environments.
CBT has been empirically validated as a successful treatment for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, ADHD, eating disorders, and other significant issues. This form of therapy tends to feel more structured in session and involves the client being active and practicing CBT techniques between sessions with the therapist.
Unlike many other forms of therapy, CBT does not focus on the past or a client’s childhood. While the client and therapist may discuss how childhood patterns affect current mindsets, the primary emphasis in CBT includes the client’s existing symptoms, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. A therapist and client will collaboratively identify the evidence behind certain thoughts or behaviors and explore ways to replace or modify these patterns.
As with any other therapeutic approach, the client should feel comfortable with the therapist and, over time, connected to the therapist. This enables the therapist and client to work collaboratively to challenge irrational or unhealthy thoughts or behaviors and experiment with new ways of being both in session and out.
Feel free to contact the Metis Center if you’re curious about cognitive behavioral therapy, and the benefits you may gain from CBT. Or feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists. Our therapists are here to aid you in pursuing a wholesome life.