
What is neurofeedback?
Simply stated, neurofeedback is training your brain. Neurofeedback can have a positive effect on brain health and cognitive flexibility. It may increase self-awareness, enhance learning, balance emotions, and reduce pain through the use of EEG technology and practice. Breaking down the word “neurofeedback” gives us “neuro-” and “-feedback.” Neuro refers to the nerves or the nervous system, and feedback is medically defined as a control or modification to a process as told by its results. Therefore, neurofeedback is the guided control of the nervous system to train the brain based on its current functioning.
How does neurofeedback work?
Electroencephalogram technology (EEG) shows brain waves, the electrical activity that occurs in all of our brains, by placing tiny sensors on the head. Through a computerized EEG system, we are able to track a person’s brain waves to detect problem areas and provide training scenarios to address problematic symptoms. For example: A brain connected to the EEG sensors plays a movie. When the brain is focusing properly, the movie plays normally. As soon as focus or attention shifts, the movie gets pixelated or the picture goes missing. This helps people continue to focus on the task at hand to keep the movie running smoothly, thus training the healthy waves of the brain. Once the brain is trained, it continues to utilize the healthy patterns.
Why do people do neurofeedback training?
Research has shown that neurofeedback can support the treatment of damaged brain tissue from concussions or other injuries, may increase attention, stabilize emotions, decrease migraines, and boost natural learning techniques and abilities. Neurofeedback gradually changes the way a brain operates. Similarly to riding a bike, it takes a few practice sessions to master the task, but for the most part, the brain remembers how to do it.
Neurofeedback is suitable for everyone! Neurofeedback has shown significant improvement in brain flexibility from the youngest of toddlers to the wisest of elders. Individuals dealing with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) will be excited to hear that neurofeedback is considered an efficacious treatment – without the use of any medications! This training can also reduce stress and improve overall focus for most individuals.
You may have recently heard of neurofeedback in the media. An interesting neurofeedback case study examined former Denver Broncos players. The research suggests that players who suffered concussion after concussion for many years were able to regain control of damaged areas of the brain.
“You’re giving me my life back,” said former Broncos running back Joe Keyworth during an interview with CBS after successfully regaining memory skills through neurofeedback training.
This technology is incredible, continuing to grow and produce exciting results for a variety of conditions, and we are proud to offer this type of brain training at The Metis Center.
Check out the entire CBS story about how neurofeedback has helped the former Broncos stars combat years of multiple concussions: