Signs Your Teenager Needs To See A Therapist – Part One

We’ve all been a teenager at one time or another. When you’re a teenager, you’re struggling with your identity and finding a place for yourself in the world. Most teenagers think it’s the end of the world when any little thing happens. Some teenagers have rapid mood swings and can be more irritable than the happy little girl or boy you helped raise. It can be difficult to tell when your teenager is in need of assistance in the mental capacity, which is why we’re here to help. As a therapist, who offers cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy, mindful based psychotherapy, and other forms of therapy, we know when someone regardless if it’s a teenager or not needs help. If you feel that your teenager needs to come talk to someone, then please don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible to schedule a free consultation.

Two Signs Your Teenager Needs To Go To Therapy

Day-To-Day Functioning Is Difficult

Is your teenager or young adult struggling with going through their day-to-day activities? Have they always seemed to have a vibrant social life and now they seem to struggle to get out of bed? If this is the case, then there might be something much more at work other than your teen having an off few days or so. If your teenager has low energy, a drop in grades, tardies and frequent absences, decrease in personal hygiene, or bizarre behavior, then we recommend talking to a therapist immediately.

Intense And Rapid Mood Swings

Is your teenager experiencing rapid mood swings that are a little too intense for your liking? Teenage angst is normal most of the time, but there are still those fluctuations that could even catch you off guard. Mild moodiness is no big deal, but what about rapid shifts in moods that leave your head spinning? If the mood swings are consistent and the emotional stability seems like it’s shattered, then contact a therapist.

Schedule a consultation in one of our offices closest to you. We cater to Boulder, Lafayette, and Durango.