

How To Get Out Of A Funk

The summer is getting hotter and hotter every week and instead of getting out of the house or the office, you can barely move from your bed. The Colorado sun may be high in the sky most days, but all you want to do is lay in bed and stare at a wall. While you know you don’t have depression, sometimes, you feel that there must be something wrong with you that you can’t find the energy to get up. You should know if you are familiar with these moments that there is a solution. You don’t have to live in a funk for the entirety of your life. Sometimes, you may be happier than other times and that’s okay. As long as you know how to cope with it, you’ll be prepared the next time all you want to do is lay in bed. Say Goodbye To That Funk At Metis Center® For Psychological Services, we offer therapy services to help your mental health. With such a small focus on mental health in society and our day-to-day life, you may not think that therapy can help, but talking about what’s bothering you is a great way to get out of a funk. Everyone goes through a period in life where they may feel at a loss. Perhaps, a person you were seeing left you and you’re struggling to get over it. Maybe a loved one died and put you in an uncomfortable funk that seems to settle into your entire being. It’s understandable that sometimes

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Please Join Us: Trauma-Informed Yoga

Trauma-Informed Yoga 4-week series Thursdays in June and August 2018 4:30 – 6:00pm $75 for the series OR $20 drop-in per class Click here and here to learn more about Why Yoga for Trauma? No prior experience necessary. Email if you are interested! Yoga restores the natural rhythm of our nervous system, which is disrupted by trauma. Yoga teaches us how to self-regulate and stay present with our experience. Yoga has been shown to have greater success in lessening symptoms of trauma than talk therapy in controlled studies. When taught with a sophisticated understanding of the mind-body connection, yoga can help us to discover strength and flexibility, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Over time, we develop confidence and trust in our ability to deal with whatever comes our way. Trauma lives in the body and 50-60% of adults experience at least one instance of trauma in their lives. When we experience a threatening or distressing event, either acute or developmental, our nervous system does its best to protect us. It tells our body to kick into high gear, producing a tremendous amount of energy with which to run away or fight. Sometimes our brain assesses the situation and concludes that we cannot succeed in either fighting or running away and so we freeze. This is an adaptive, intelligent response at the time. However, it is also when trauma occurs. All that energy gets stuck in the body because it does not have a chance to express itself physically. Our nervous system becomes

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A New Type Of Therapy To Try

If you’ve never gone to therapy before, then you might feel overwhelmed by the many different approaches you can take advantage of. Even if you’ve been going to therapy for some time, it can be very difficult to determine what’s the right type of therapeutic approach you should take. There’s cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement, cognitive processing therapy, and so many others that can help you work through issues that you feel are holding you back. As a therapist, we want to make sure that we can take the right approach to ensure your needs are being met and that means knowing what type of therapeutic approach will work best for you. One of those type of therapy that we now offer at Metis Center® For Psychological Services is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. For further information on our therapeutic approaches and how we can help you move toward a more positive life, contact us today. What Is Acceptance And Commitment Therapy? To better understand what this type of therapy is, we’ve broken down this therapeutic approach. The basis of ACT is to focus on mindful strategies that help to increase your psychological flexibility. This type of therapy will help you figure out your own core values and your goals to make you more confident and conscious in each moment of your life. By working to pair together your core values and your goals, you’ll be able to align your behaviors with these two factors and you’ll see some changes take place in your life. For example,

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Combat Your Anxiety In 2018

Anxiety is something that millions of Americans struggle with everyday. If you’re one of those Americans, then you know how terrible it is to have this possibly debilitating disorder. Whether you have anxiety due to panicky spiraling or you have social anxiety, our counseling services can help you tackle the issues you may be dealing with. At the Metis Center For Psychological Services, we have created a supportive and non-judgemental environment that can help you open up to an individualized approach to counseling. We know that counseling can be difficult, but by creating a personalized approach, we’re able to help you sift through the issues that might be holding you back from reaching your full potential. Resolutions To Try In The New Year Since it’s a new year, you probably want to have some resolutions planned out either to help you deal with your anxiety or to focus more on self-care. These resolutions can offer you some assistance with your anxiety or they can help you focus more on taking care of yourself. If you’re not one for resolutions, then make a goal to try at least one of these out in the year 2018. If you’re interested in counseling, then contact our facility today. Talk About Your Anxiety A lot of people don’t like talking about their anxiety because they think there’s something wrong with them and talking about it just proves it. There’s nothing wrong with talking about anxiety. As a matter of fact, you’ll find that when you mention it, more people will

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Is Cognitive Behavior Therapy For You?

Going to a therapist can be both a liberating and a scary endeavor. You might have to explore subjects you don’t want to talk about and you might feel uncomfortable going over your past. However, therapy allows you to focus on specific events that have caused you to feel hurt. With therapy, you can begin to focus on healing and how you can feel content again. At the Metis Center For Psychological Services, we strive to offer an abundance of therapeutic approaches that will allow you to heal and move forward. One of those therapeutic approaches is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. What Is Cognitive Behavior Therapy? You might have heard someone mention cognitive therapy before, but what is it? How can it help you? Is it the right direction you want to go in for therapy? Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapeutic approach that allows you to move forward and focus on healing. This form of therapy targets the interactions you have between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. When you see the correlation between your mental stability and your behavior, you’re able to alter your well-being and adapt better to your environment, both psychologically and physically. Cognitive behavioral therapy was developed on evidence-based practices that are geared toward improving your mental health. This form of therapy targets the development of personal coping strategies for problems that are current and will help you break harmful patterns in cognition. It will allow you to change your emotional regulation and behavior by focusing on developing coping strategies that

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Can Couples Therapy Help You?

You love your partner more than you’ve ever loved anyone else, but you find that recently you’re having some problems. It started off as arguments that seemed to escalate quicker and quicker. Then, it began to manifest itself in the form of avoiding big issues and an increase in emotional avoidance. Finally, the communication between the two of you has decreased and you spend more nights feeling lonely and forlorn than you can ever remember. You’re feeling at a loss of what to do to reconnect with your significant other. While searching for the answers to help your relationship, you come across couples counseling. As a counseling center, we’ve seen many different people go through situations that make a dent in the relationship. Relationships take work, you need to learn how to give and take. It can be disheartening to watch a relationship with a loved one fall apart due to communication, infidelity, financial issues, sexual dissatisfaction, or even restlessness. Working on your relationship will take work and patience, but if you have the desire and the drive to form a stronger connection between the two of you, then our facility can help. By coming to couples therapy, you are choosing to work on your relationship in a neutral setting. What Is Couples Therapy? Couples therapy is an exploration of conflicts, issues, and difficulties that are muddling your relationship. Every relationship has its ups and downs and by coming to couples therapy you’re addressing your issues head on in a setting that’s neutral and healthy. You’re

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How To Manage Anxiety

Anxiety manifests itself in a variety of different ways. From muscle tension to indigestion, anxiety is something that comes in various forms. Anxiety is characterized as, “a feeling of worry, anxiety, or fear that is strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities.” There is a fine line between feeling worried about the little things in life to feeling crippled by that worry. For example, worrying about speaking in front of a group at work versus feeling anxious to socialize at work are two separate situations. Anxiety is very common and is not an uncontrollable disease that should limit your life. At the Metis Center For Psychological Services, we strive to give you the resources to work through issues and situations that might be holding your back from living. With counseling, you’ll be able to recognize what may be triggering your anxiety and how to deal with a negative environment. Three Tips To Manage Anxiety When you have anxiety, you might feel crippled by it, but you shouldn’t. With these tips to manage your anxiety, you can begin to live your life again. No one should feel held back because of what they may be feeling or the thoughts in their brain. Anxiety can give you irrational fears, affect other parts of your body, and constantly make you worry, but with these tips to manage your anxiety, you’ll be able to start understanding how to stay healthy without worrying constantly. Be Present When you’re present in the moment, you can try to turn off the collection

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Signs Your Teenager Needs To See A Therapist – Part Two

In Signs Your Teenager Needs To See A Therapist – Part One, we went over two signs that your teenager needs to see a therapist. We’ll be continuing to explore therapy for teenagers and why it’s essential for you to pay attention to your child’s behavior to determine whether they need to see a therapist. Therapy can not only help your child cope with any angst they may be going through, but it can help your relationship with them as well as allow them to deal with pressures for the rest of their life. Three Signs Your Teenager Needs To Go To Therapy In addition to the two signs we discussed in our previous blog, these three signs will help you determine what the right course of action is for your teenager. The teenage years are filled with self-discovery, awkwardness, and jumping into activities that will be looked back on with dismay. However, there’s a darker side to the teenage years and sometimes as a parent, you may overlook it if your child is having more difficulty than they are letting on. If your child is experiencing challenges or they seem to be lashing out more so than usual, then it might be a sign that something more serious is going on. Even if you aren’t sure if there’s something going on with your child, it’s always good to talk to a professional so you’re able to determine the best course of action to keep your child safe. Bizarre Behavior Is your child exhibiting bizarre behavior?

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Signs Your Teenager Needs To See A Therapist – Part One

We’ve all been a teenager at one time or another. When you’re a teenager, you’re struggling with your identity and finding a place for yourself in the world. Most teenagers think it’s the end of the world when any little thing happens. Some teenagers have rapid mood swings and can be more irritable than the happy little girl or boy you helped raise. It can be difficult to tell when your teenager is in need of assistance in the mental capacity, which is why we’re here to help. As a therapist, who offers cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy, mindful based psychotherapy, and other forms of therapy, we know when someone regardless if it’s a teenager or not needs help. If you feel that your teenager needs to come talk to someone, then please don’t hesitate to contact us as soon as possible to schedule a free consultation. Two Signs Your Teenager Needs To Go To Therapy Day-To-Day Functioning Is Difficult Is your teenager or young adult struggling with going through their day-to-day activities? Have they always seemed to have a vibrant social life and now they seem to struggle to get out of bed? If this is the case, then there might be something much more at work other than your teen having an off few days or so. If your teenager has low energy, a drop in grades, tardies and frequent absences, decrease in personal hygiene, or bizarre behavior, then we recommend talking to a therapist immediately. Intense And Rapid Mood Swings Is your

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Benefits Of Going To Therapy – Part Two

In our previous post, Benefits To Going To Therapy – Part One, we discussed the benefits of going to therapy. In our last blog, we discussed how therapy can help you overcome your symptoms and how you can sort through your past feelings. Therapy can be scary if you aren’t comfortable talking to people about your past, but in the long run, it will help you work through issues that you don’t want to face with the assistance of a trusted individual. Therapy is about working through your past and exercising the demons from your life. If you’ve gone through a traumatic experience, it can help talking to someone. Learn more about cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy, and other types of therapeutic approaches to allow you to work through your own inner demons. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment with us, call (720) 387-8458. Benefit Three Repression is when you suppress a thought or something that happened in your subconscious. For instance, if you were at war or were raped, you would have a tendency to repress it so you don’t have to deal with it. Repression can occur with emotions, thoughts, or memories. It can be easier to repress something, but eventually, it will come to the surface and begin to haunt you. When you go to therapy you’re able to express your feelings about any traumatic events that happened to you and by talking about certain events, feelings, or thoughts you’ll be able to work through what happened in a healthy manner

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Access Your Patient Portal

We offer a convenient online portal for current patients. On this portal you can:

  • Schedule appointments
  • Pay your bills and view your billing history and balances 
  • Securely message our office and your clinician
  • Upload and access your documents

If you have any questions about using your patient portal, or need help setting up an account, please contact us  or call us at (720) 387-8458.

Access Your Patient Portal

We offer a convenient online portal for current patients. On this portal you can:

  • Schedule appointments
  • Pay your bills and view your billing history and balances 
  • Securely message our office and your clinician
  • Upload and access your documents

If you have any questions about using your patient portal, or need help setting up an account, please contact us  or call us at (720) 387-8458.